Rabu, 03 April 2013

Some Rules of Good Writing in Business Letter

1.     Think first of the reader and address yourself to his interest.
2.     Adopt a tone suited to the occasion and the purpose of the letter
3.     Write naturally
4.     Write clearly to the point.
5.     Write courteously and make your letter sound friendly.
6.     Avoid wordiness.
7.     Avoid commercial jargon
8.     Write effectively.
9.     Avoid monotony.
10.  Write to a plan

11.     Pay special attention to the opening and closing paragraph.
12.      Check your letters.

To see more about some rules of good writing in business letter please check the powerpoint presentation in this link  http://www.slideshare.net/sarihafizh/some-rules-of-good-writing


1.      Gartside, L. 1989. Model Business Letters. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.

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